Thursday, December 27, 2012

Private Selection Frozen Pizza - So Good!

During the Private Selection Holiday Campaign that I have been participating in as a BzzAgent, I went on the website to read what others were saying about their experience with this product. To my surprise I discovered that Private Selection also makes frozen pizza! It just so happens, pizza is one of our favorite foods, so I just had to try the Private Selection Frozen Pizza.

I decided to try the Pepperoni and Roasted Garlic and the  Margherita Napolitana. I must say that I am impressed with this brand of frozen pizza.

The Pepperoni and Roasted Garlic has just the right amount of sauce, cheese, garlic and pepperoni. I wouldn't change a thing on this pizza. It is so good that we have had it twice so far. This has become my favorite frozen pizza and will definitely purchase in the future. Just writing this makes me want to go out to Kroger and pick one up! Yum, yum!

As for the Margherita Napolitana, and I have to be honest, it doesn't have much flavor to it at all.  I am not sure why there is no flavor because the amount of sauce and other ingredients is sufficient enough. They just need to add some more spices to this particular pizza.

Here is Kevin, my grandson, enjoying the Private Selection Pepperoni and Roasted Garlic pizza. I wasn't sure if he would like it because of the amount of garlic, but he loved it! Guess he gets his taste for garlic from his gramma, LOL!

As a BzzAgent I receive free and discounted products and all I have to do is try them! After trying them, I just go to the BzzAgent website and tell them my opinion. Visit us at and see what all the Bzz is about, you may decide that you would like to start bzzing yourself!

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