Thursday, May 21, 2009

Busy, Busy, Busy

Wow, I can't believe it is May 21st already. So much to do and too little time. This is how I feel sometimes. I have been working on a few things so that I can get some income flowing. I'm sure quite a few of you know the feeling. I haven't forgotten about the photos, I just haven't had the time yet. On top of everything else, I had to have four teeth pulled yesterday, two of them surgically. I can not believe how expensive a dentist is. It is highway robbery! If you are looking for a way to earn an income online the following link should help. They have many jobs and business opportunities that you can look through. You can rate them and they also have a forum. It's quite a nice site. Here is the link: The jobs and business opportunities are listed in categories which makes it easier to search for what you are looking for. I want to share this poem with you:
And God Said "No" I asked God to take away my pride.And God said "No".He said it was not for him to take away,but for me to give it up. I asked God to make my handicapped child whole.And God said "No".He said his spirit was whole, his body was only temporary. I asked God to grant me patience.And God said "No".He said patience is a by-product of tribulations.It isn't granted, it is earned. I asked God to give me happiness.And God said "No".He said he gives me blessings, happiness is up to me. I asked God to spare me pain.And God said "No".He said suffering draws you apartfrom worldly cares and brings you closer to me. I asked God to make my spirit grow.And God said "No".He said I must grow on my own.But he will prune me to make me fruitful.I asked for all things that I might enjoy life.And God said "No".He said I will give you life, that you may enjoy all things. I asked God to help me LOVE others,as much as he loves me.And God said, Ah, finally you have the idea. ~ Claudia Weisz ~
I thought it was a beautiful poem. I hope that you enjoyed it.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!

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