Sunday, October 6, 2013

Chicken 'n' Dumplings, Oh My!

Chicken 'n' Dumplings just happens to be one of my signature dishes which we enjoy a few times during the winter months. For some reason, I have always thought of it as a "cold" weather food and really don't know why. We eat chili in the summer, why not chicken 'n' dumplings? I must remember this and make it a point to make it at least once during next summer.

You will need a whole chicken, Bisquick, onion, grated carrot, chicken broth (maybe) bay leaves, garlic powder, thyme, black pepper.

 I always start with a whole chicken because it makes the best broth. Place chicken in a large pot and cover with water. Add 3-4 bay leaves(is not the same without these), pepper, thyme and garlic powder. (I don't measure the spices so you will need to add by taste) I do not add salt because I sometimes have to add some chicken broth and that has sodium and so does the Bisquick(dumplings). Bring to a boil, turn down heat, cover and cook for about an hour and a half. When done turn off heat and let cool for about a half hour. Then, take the chicken and place it on a platter or whatever works for you. I place it in a colander so it can drain and I can pour it back into pot. Get another pot and strain the broth into it. Cover the broth and refrigerate till next day. I do this so that I can remove the fat off the top before I finish up the dish. So much better when you remove the fat.

Now you want to remove the chicken from the bones and shred it or cut it up. Place in fridge till next day. Do not put it back in broth till after the fat is removed.

It's the next day and you are ready to finish up this wonderful dish. First you will use a slotted spoon and carefully remove as much fat as you possibly can from the top of the broth. Once this is done, place on stove and add the chicken, a chopped onion and some grated carrot. Now, if you think you will need more broth for the dumplings to cook, just add some chicken broth that you buy at the grocery store. Once all this is added turn up the heat and bring to a boil. While waiting for this to boil, follow the dumpling recipe (very easy) on the Bisquick box. In the photo the dumpling recipe was doubled. These are our favorite dumplings. Enjoy! This dish is awesome!

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