Monday, September 16, 2013

An Awesome Breakfast - Nancy's Quiche and Fresh Fruit

I had never heard of Nancy's Quiche until I went to stay the weekend at my sister's. The first time she served them, she served the mini quiche that comes in a variety of flavors. I was totally amazed at how good these were! She served them with a variety of fresh fruit. In fact, this was so good that every time I go to stay with her, at least one breakfast is the Nancy's Quiche and fresh fruit.

I want to make sure that I let you know that one time my sister bought a different brand of the quiche and they were so NOT good, we couldn't even eat them. Nancy's is the best in our opinion.

One day when I was on my way to my sisters, I stopped at Kroger to get a few things to take with me. I happened to notice that in the freezer by the breakfast items, Nancy's Quiche also came in an individual size. And in my favorite, which is the Quiche Lorraine! Love it! I had to pick up a couple of these so that we could have them with some fresh fruit. My mouth was watering and I couldn't wait for breakfast the next morning. (I know, doesn't have to be for breakfast, but my favorite time to eat them)

When I arrived at my sister's place, and she saw the individual size quiche, she said that she had noticed them before but had just never bought them. Well, needless to say, when morning arrived and we sat down to eat this scrumptious meal, we were not surprised at how good the quiche was. And just enough for one person. So, so yummy!


No photos of the mini ones yet. Was mad at myself for that when I realized that I wanted to share how good they with all of you!

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