Thursday, December 27, 2012

Private Selection Frozen Pizza - So Good!

During the Private Selection Holiday Campaign that I have been participating in as a BzzAgent, I went on the website to read what others were saying about their experience with this product. To my surprise I discovered that Private Selection also makes frozen pizza! It just so happens, pizza is one of our favorite foods, so I just had to try the Private Selection Frozen Pizza.

I decided to try the Pepperoni and Roasted Garlic and the  Margherita Napolitana. I must say that I am impressed with this brand of frozen pizza.

The Pepperoni and Roasted Garlic has just the right amount of sauce, cheese, garlic and pepperoni. I wouldn't change a thing on this pizza. It is so good that we have had it twice so far. This has become my favorite frozen pizza and will definitely purchase in the future. Just writing this makes me want to go out to Kroger and pick one up! Yum, yum!

As for the Margherita Napolitana, and I have to be honest, it doesn't have much flavor to it at all.  I am not sure why there is no flavor because the amount of sauce and other ingredients is sufficient enough. They just need to add some more spices to this particular pizza.

Here is Kevin, my grandson, enjoying the Private Selection Pepperoni and Roasted Garlic pizza. I wasn't sure if he would like it because of the amount of garlic, but he loved it! Guess he gets his taste for garlic from his gramma, LOL!

As a BzzAgent I receive free and discounted products and all I have to do is try them! After trying them, I just go to the BzzAgent website and tell them my opinion. Visit us at and see what all the Bzz is about, you may decide that you would like to start bzzing yourself!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Perdue Oven Ready Chicken - So Good Ya Can't Stop Eating It!

If you haven't tried any of the Perdue Oven Ready products, you should! Not only are they easy to prepare, they are moist, tender and delicious! The hardest part about making a meal out of one of the Perdue Oven Ready products, is creating the sides to go with it.

Just open the package, remove the bag that contains the chicken, place in a pan, cut a slit in the top and place in a pre-heated oven! And think about how easy the clean up will be! Totally a cinch! Are you hungry yet?
I took my first taste and didn't want to stop! Once you get a taste of this chicken, you won't even want to eat the sides! Betcha can't take just one bite!

I really want to try the other "oven ready" chicken products from Perdue but cannot find them around where I live. If you happen to live in the Ann Arbor Michigan area and know where I can find them, please leave me a comment. Hope that you enjoy your Perdue Oven Ready Roaster!

 (Make sure you follow the directions regarding thawed and frozen, mine wasn't frozen but looked at the frozen directions and baked it too long but it was still moist and tender and I was shocked!)

I'm a BzzAgent for and this is my own personal opinion regarding the Perdue Oven Ready Roaster. BzzAgents have the priviledge of receiving free and discounted products to try as part of a Campaign. I received a coupon for a free roaster as part of participating in the Perdue Oven Ready Products Campaign. Would you like to know what all the BZZ is about? Please visit for more information.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Kroger Moist & Tender Babybacks - Fantastically Delicious

When I joined the Pork be Inspired Campaign from, I had used my discount for a slab of Kroger Moist & Tender babyback ribs which I had placed in the freezer. This past Sunday I decided to take them out to thaw so that I could put them in the slow cooker Monday morning.

Because there was only one slab of ribs, I waited till 10 am Monday morning to get the ribs on. I cut them into two rib portions, rinsed them with cold water and placed them in a colander. My favorite bbq sauce is Sweet Baby Ray's Honey Chipolte but my mom likes the original (honey chipolte too spicy for her). So, I use both. I always put some sauce on the bottom of the slow cooker and then place two or three of the portioned ribs on top of that. (This just depends on what size your slow cooker is.) Pour some more sauce on top of those and place the remainder of the ribs on top. Then pour sauce all over the top and sides until they are pretty much smothered. Turn slow cooker on low and cook for about 5 hours. Turn off and let sit for an hour or so before opening. Yummy!

If you are cooking more than one slab, you may have to cook them longer than 5 hours.

Come see what everyone is bzzing about and you just may want to join in! Visit us at

Monday, November 26, 2012

Working on the Private Selection Holiday Campaign from

Being a BzzAgent means that you have the opportunity to try products either for free or at a discount. I was invited to participate in the Private Selection Holiday Campaign. In case you don't know already, Private Selection is the Kroger "Gourmet" brand. For this campaign I received Private Selection Costa Rican Tarrazu Coffee and Private Selection Classic Watercrisp Crackers right in my BzzKit. Also included in my kit were "free" coupons for Private Selection Pasta Sauce, Private Selection Olives, Private Selection sliced Cheese and a discounted coupon for the Private Selection Yogurt.

The first thing I tried was the Costa Rican Tarrazu Coffee and I enjoyed it very much. The only thing with this flavor is that if you make it too strong, it will be somewhat bitter.

The Watercrisp crackers are airy and crisp. The problem is that they are very bland. My mother likes them but I don't care for them.

With the coupon for free olives, I chose the Private Selection Garlic Stuffed Olives. Anyone who likes olives will like these for sure. Tasted like a green olive to me and not garlicy at all.

For the free cheese I chose Private Selection Garlic & Herb Monterey Jack Cheese. No one in my household like this flavor at all. If they would have left out the herbs and just made it garlic Monterey Jack Cheese I would have loved it!

Because the Kroger I go to only had two choices for the yogurt, raspberry (only like fresh ones) and strawberry, I chose the strawberry.
I have to say that I did not care for the yogurt at all. I just didn't care for the texture and there isn't enough of the fruit mixture in my opinion.

Now for the Private Selection Napoletana Pasta Sauce that I chose. I was totally impressed with this sauce. When I first opened it the odor was not a good one to me and I thought that I wasn't going to like it at all. With a feeling of disappointment, I preceded to make meatballs to go in the sauce (I cook them thoroughly by steaming them in a skillet prior to adding to sauce). Once the meatballs were in the sauce I let it simmer for about an hour. While they were simmering I cooked the pasta.

When all was done I made my grandson and I a plate. I sat down and when I took that first bite and got a good taste, I knew I had found my new favorite pasta sauce. This was the best spaghetti that I have had in a very long time. In fact, it has made me like spaghetti again! I even ate leftovers twice and not one drop was wasted.

I love being a BzzAgent!

Vist and see what everyone is bzzing about! #imabzzagent

Friday, November 16, 2012

Alexia Foods are Really Good!

Ok, so now I am participating in an Alexia Foods Campaign for In my BzzKit I received three free coupons. One for the sweet potato products, one for the bread and one for the regular potato products. At first I had a hard time finding these products. I went to two different Meijer stores and, also, my favorite Kroger store. The first Meijer I couldn't find any of them,
but the second one I did find the Waffle Cut Sweet Potatoes  and the Oven Reds in the "natural" freezer section. I didn't realize they would be in that section and it made me think of the Kroger I shop at. (I had never seen Alexia in that store) When I got to Kroger I went to the "natural" product isle and, low and behold, in the freezer section, there were the Alexia products! They even carry the bread! I had to laugh at myself because I hadn't thought of looking in this section.

I must say that the Alexia Waffle Cut Sweet Potatoes are totally awesome! I cooked them in a toaster oven and couldn't let them get crispy due to the fact that I broke a tooth a couple days before. I was very impressed by how good these were. And I don't normally care for seasoned fries. These will be a regular item in my household.

As for the Oven Reds, we didn't care that much for them. I can't really say if it was the olive oil or the herbs. Although, dunked in a lot of ketchup made them much better!

While I was at Kroger I picked up an Alexia Garlic Baguette. We will be trying this tonight at dinner. Our dinner will be left over Moist and Tender Pork roast from Kroger, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes and the garlic bread. Yummy in the tummy!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pork Be Inspired - Another great BzzCampaign!

Isn't it great? Another campaign from, "Pork Be Inspired"! In the photo below is what I received in my BzzKit and you better believe that I will use the $5 coupon for a slab of Kroger Moist & Tender Baby Back Ribs!
Meat thermometer, basting brush, coupons (one for me and the rest to pass out), recipes and more just for trying the product and spreading the bzzz!

Check out for more information on becoming a BzzAgent. It's free!

It's fun to be a BzzAgent!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Swai Fish Baked with Red, Yellow, Orange Peppers and Onions

Baked Swai

I didn't even know Swai fish existed until one day I was looking at the bags of frozen fish in Kroger. I noticed that the bag of this type of fish was only $7.99 for 2.5 pounds. Well, I decided that for this price it was worth trying.

It was about two weeks later that I decided to thaw some out and actually try it. I looked online for a baked Swai recipe and found that this is a pretty popular fish. Out of the many recipes found, I decided to create my own.

The first thing that I did was cut up the veggies and placed them in a skillet with a small amount of water so that I could pre-cook them. I let them steam till they were almost done. (this depends on how well done you like your peppers and onions, we prefer them very soft)

While the peppers were steaming, I coated the bottom of a 13 by 9 glass baking dish with just a small amount of olive oil. I rinsed the fish in cold water and set them on a plate lined with a paper towel and patted the fillets dry. After patting them dry I sprinkled black pepper and garlic powder on them.
(There are only a few dishes that I use salt in) Season these fillets to your own taste.

When peppers and onions reached the preferred doneness, I drained them and placed them into the prepared baking dish. I preceded to place the fish fillets on top of the veggies and place the pan into a 375 degree oven, baking them for 25-30 minutes. The time will vary between ovens because they are not all the same. Remove from oven and let stand a few minutes and then serve.

My grandson does not like peppers and onions so I made some "mac and cheese" to go with our dinner. It went well with the meal.

Now, I want to say that I did not like the texture of the Swai fish. The flavor is so mild that there is none. This was the first and last time that I will bake this type of fish. The fillets that are left in the freezer will be pan fried with butter. I'm curious if that will make a difference.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Green, Red, Yellow, Orange Peppers, Onions 'n' Garlic

I absolutely love to eat bell peppers and onions sauteed together in a skillet. I have learned that you don't even need to add any butter or oil. Just cut up your peppers 'n' onions however you like them (I like slices) and add them to a skillet. Add your garlic. You can use any type of garlic you prefer. I normally will use the minced garlic in the jar that you can find in the produce section of most grocery stores. I add some black pepper to mine but I do not cook with salt. So, you can salt and pepper to your liking. I turn the heat to medium and then when they start cooking I turn down some. You just want to make sure that they are simmering. These veggies will normally make their own juice but if for some reason they are not, just add a little water. You don't want them to burn. Once they are simmering good, add a lid and this will steam them. Stir often till they are tender or to whatever doneness you like.

These sauteed peppers 'n' onions are delicious over mashed potatoes or just as a side veggie and they are fat free!

With the left overs I like to make some toast and then make a sandwich with whatever lunch meat is in the house. Then I heat up the pepper mixture and add them to the sandwich. Add some swiss cheese and you have one delicious sandwich! Swiss is my favorite but any cheese will do.

We have some left over peppers 'n' onions in the fridge right now. We are going to make some hamburger patties to go along with them and, also, some potato salad that is left over. Yummy!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Are You Planning a Family Night? Don't forget to stock up on Kroger Brand snacks!

When planning an "at home" family night, the majority of people also plan on what snacks to serve. Should we make popcorn or buy bagged popcorn? How about some pretzels? What beverage should we serve? Decisions, decisions, decisions!

A family night at my house normally consists of my grandson and I. Occasionally, my mom will be home or my nephew will be staying for a few days. On this particular night it was just my grandson and I. We had went to Kroger earlier that day and picked up some Kroger Brand buttered popcorn, white cheddar popcorn, pretzel rods and some Vitamin Enhanced Kroger Brand water. We picked out the Balck and Blueberry and the Strawberry Dragonfruit flavors.

Because my grandson is only four years old, our evening starts around 7 pm. Before we settle into the living room with our snacks, we will either go in the backyard and blow bubbles, play basketball or have a water fight. And there are times that we will go to the park for a while. When play is done, it's time for shower and, then, snacks.

This night we watched some of the movie "Rio" and munched on our snacks. The buttered popcorn was good to my taste, not too buttery and, especially, not too salty. It was quite fresh also. The white cheddar was even better! Yummy!

Kevin loved both flavors of the vitamin enhanced water while I did't care for them. Even though it says no artificial sweeteners, it still tastes like it does and leaves an aftertaste. Everyone's taste is different, of course, so you shouldn't just take my word for it, you should try it for yourself.

Don't forget to visit your local Kroger store and pick up your favorite Kroger Brand items! They make good eats and not just snacks!

I'm a BzzAgent! Come join the buzz and you can try free products too! Joind us by visiting! Hope to "bzz" you there!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Trying Kroger Multi-Grain Self Rising Crust Pepperoni Pizza and Kroger Coconut and Orange Fruit Bars

Ok, here I am again, BzzAgent Cathy, to tell you about a few more Kroger Brand products. The crust does rise just like it says and if you are a person who likes the thicker crust on a pizza, you should give this a try. The only bad thing was that the Kroger Multi-Grain Self Rising Crust Pepperoni Pizza was a little on the greasy side. When I say "a little on the greasy side", I don't mean that it was not edible. Believe me, we ate the whole thing! Overall, I would say that this was a good tasting pizza.

Now for the Kroger Coconut Fruit bars. Anyone who really loves coconut would enjoy these! For me, they had a good taste but the coconut pieces got caught in my teeth and it bothered me too much to want to eat them again.

The Kroger Orange Fruit Bars are very good and we will definitely purchase them again in the future.

If you want to receive free products and join in on the Bzz, visit us at: It is totally free to become a BzzAgent!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Family Night with Kroger Campaign from

Starting a new campaign for Am excited for this because I already shop at Kroger and receiving free products is definitely a bonus.

I went to Kroger and picked up my free pizza and grabbed the ingredients for a salad. Made the pizza and salad and watched a movie while eating. The pizza was totally awesome! Must say I was impressed because it tasted as good as if we ordered it out. Will purchase again for sure.

Salad was awesome too! I actually picked up a self rising pizza too. It is in the freezer and we will be trying that in a few days. Will let you know how it turns out!

Become a BzzAgent and join the bzz at Participate in Campaigns and recieve free products! It's fun!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Private Selection Taste of Summer Campaign is Coming to an End

As a BzzAgent from I was able to be part of the Private Selection Taste of Summer Campaign. I have to tell you that being a part of this has been a fun experience. It made me try some of the Private Selection (Kroger) products that I may not have tried otherwise. I have discovered that I absolutely love the Private Selction Roasted Red Onion Angus Burgers, the Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chips, Sea Salt and Black Pepper Kettle Chips, Cinnamon Chocolate Ice Cream, Chocolate Hazelnut Mascarpone Ice Cream, Cherry Pie, Apple Pie.....and the list goes on! The Private Selection Brand is not a brand to be taken lightly. It is a Brand made with high quality ingredients and, also, with you, the consumer, in mind. So, if you haven't already, the next time you visit your favorite Kroger store, pick up some Private Selection products and try them. You won't be disappointed!

Oh, did I mention that as a BzzAgent I received free products and coupons to give away? You can have this opportunity too! Just visit and join in the bzz!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

My nephew enjoys staying with us when he can and we enjoy having him. I will say that he likes food probably even more than I do. We had the Private Selection Roasted Red Onion Angus Burgers for dinner one night with lettuce, tomato, mayo and ketchup. They were very good I must say!
For dessert, it was Private Selection Montmorency Cherry Pie and some Private Selection Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. I'm not one for cherry pie, but Matthew loves it! Kevin and I go for the ice cream! YumYum!

 The more I eat the Private Selection Brand fro Kroger, the more I like it. These products are of good quality and very tasty. If you haven't tried them yet, what are you waiting for?

Matthew finished his pie and here he is with Kevin eating the super awesome semi-sweet chocolate chip ice cream! It for sure tastes like, "more please"!

I am enjoying the Private Selection Campaign that I have joined as a BzzAgent on I received free products and coupons for passing along to anyone I know or meet.

Come join in on the "bzz" by visiting and signing up to become a BzzAgent! We would love to "hear" you there!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nine Facts About Fiber

If you've been looking for a way towards a high octane diet, you'll find fiber to be exactly what
you need.  Even though research has shown fiber to be powerful, many people aren't taking this nutrient seriously.

To help you fuel your health with fiber, here are 9 facts to help:

1.  Fiber fights diseases.  A diet high in fiber can help to prevent colon cancer and heart disease.  High fiber helps the body to eliminate cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract.  For thousands of years, fiber has been used to stop constipation.

2.  Fiber can actually help with overeating.  All high fiber foods will take longer to chew and digest,
making you feel satisfied longer.

3.  Most popular foods don't have enough fiber.  If you like the more popular foods, you probably need to increase your intake of fiber.

4.  Grains offer the most fiber.  Dietary fiber is actually plant matter that we cannot digest.  The best
sources are whole grains and concentrated grain products.

5.  Kids need fiber as well.  Children that are older than 2 years of age should consume a daily intake of fiber.  Kids are most receptive to fiber found in fruits, vegetables, and even fortified breakfast

6.  More fiber needs more water.  In order to keep fiber moving through your digestive tract, you'll
need to consume a lot of water.  With your diet of fiber, you'll need eight or more glasses of water
every day.

7.  Fiber cannot be cooked out.  When you cook your fruits and vegetables, don't worry about cooking the fiber out, as it stays.  The fiber found in fruits and vegetables aren't just in the skin or
in the peel.

8.  You can get enough fiber.  If you eat more than 50 grams of fiber in a day, you can get diarrhea
and bloating, which can interfere with your body's absorption of other key minerals.

9.  Getting the right amount of fiber in your diet doesn't have to be hard.  Even though you may think
so, getting the amount of fiber you need isn't very hard to do.  All you have to do is eat the right
foods and you'll be well on your way to a fiber rich lifestyle.

As one of the key ingredients to healthy eating, fiber is something you don't want to skip.  Fiber can
serve many different purposes, which were covered above.  If you aren't getting enough fiber in your
diet - you should do something about it now instead of waiting until it is too late.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Private Selection Roasted Red Onion Angus Burgers on Kroger hamburger buns with Private Selection Spicy Wings Kettle Chips on the side.

Had a couple friends over to try a few Private Selection products. We had Private Selection Roasted Red Onion Angus Burgers on Kroger hamburger buns with Private Selection Spicy Wings Kettle Chips on the side. The burgers were good and the Spicy Wings chips are definitely spicy, but good! I could only eat a couple of them (couldn't overeat these, hahaha).

For dessert we tried Private Selection Sweet Honey Baklava ice cream and Private Selection Denali Extreme Moose Tracks ice cream. I didn't care for the Private Selection Sweet Honey Baklava because it was like eating honey right out of the jar. For someone who LOVES honey they would enjoy this ice cream.

Now, the Private Selection Denali Extreme Moose Tracks is a different story. If you love chocolate, you will LOVE this ice cream! It is absolutely delicious! Will buy this again for sure!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

I am enjoying the Private Selection Campaign that I have joined as a BzzAgent on I received free products and coupons for passing along to anyone I know or meet.

The Private Selection Brand is from Kroger and all the products I have tried are super delicious! From pies to Angus beef to ice cream, I recommend this brand to all. Shopping at Kroger can be a ton of fun even if you don't like to shop!

Become a "BzzAgent" and bzz with us by visiting and enjoy a "Taste of Summer".

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Super Foods for Super Weight Reduction

Experts say you will find two fundamental groups of meals that may be considered "keeping the weight off superfoods" simply because they fill your tummy without piling around the calories: fruits and veggies. And also the nutrient that provides fruits and veggies that ‘staying energy?’ Fiber. So, if fruits and veggies would be the "keeping-it-off nutritionally packed berry groups," fiber may be the "keeping-it-off super-nutrient."  Protein is yet another super-nutrient. It's increasingly scientifically recognized that protein might help to curb appetite. Protein also provides endurance, and may slightly improve your metabolic process along the way.  But it’s vital that you choose your proteins sensibly, because as with other meals, if you are consuming more than your system needs, it’ll show on the size like a gain, rather than a loss of revenue.

The next superfoods are wise, low-calorie options which will benefit unwanted weight loss efforts:

Green Tea - Researchers suspect that the catechins (helpful phytochemicals) in green tea may trigger weight loss by stimulating the body to burn calories and mildly decrease body fat. So indulge in either a hot cup or a nice tall iced glass of green tea.

Broth- or tomato-based soup - Sauces might help reduce hunger before foods and improve your sense of fullness.

Low-calorie eco-friendly preparing salads - Getting a minimal-calorie salad - which isn't understood to be one that’s packed with croutons, high body fat dressings, and cheese - like a first course will help you feel full, therefore reducing just how much you consume together with your primary course.  Sensibly choose your elements, and it is high fiber content could possibly be the answer to assisting you fight urges later within the day.

Yogurt - Including milk products in your nutritious diet may market your weight reduction efforts.  Selecting an easy yogurt will let you protect against food cravings because of its mixture of protein and carb.

Beans - An excellent mixture of fiber and protein, beans assist you to feel full longer, meaning they might try to curb your between-meal appetite.

Water - Water is the body’s center, and you ought to be consuming it using your day. It’s an excellent no-calorie beverage, and you will have it by consuming unsweetened tea, flavored unsweetened standard water, regular water with lime or lemon, or perhaps your cucumber. 
Additionally to helping flush harmful toxins in the body, additionally, it may assist you to feel full.  Then when individuals food cravings strike, try consuming a glass water before getting that snack.

High-Fiber, Whole-Grain Cereal - Whole grain products generally help boost fiber and also the dietary worth of your meal.  Among the simplest methods to give your specific diet an entire-grain boost is to possess a bowl of greater-fiber whole-grain cereal as breakfast or perhaps a snack.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Superfoods that Squash Stress

Existence includes a way to get the very best of us some days. Whether it’s working a lot of hrs, shuffling your children throughout town for his or her activities, being careful of the household, or coping with personal or information, stress can be bad for you you physically, psychologically, psychologically, and emotionally. But you will find simple things you can do to combat stress, beginning using the meals you consume.

Staying away from caffeine and alcohol is a great start when life’s particularly demanding. Stimulants and depressants such as these can both zap your time and take advantage of you from the fuel you have to effectively deal with tension. Sugary meals ought to be prevented too, because they cause your bloodstream sugar levels to spike then dip quickly, which could consequently build your levels of energy spike and dip in the same rate.

However, you will find several superfoods available that offer the energy and diet the body must keep stress under control

Asparagus, which has elevated levels of folate, might help even out your emotions. Folate and vitamin b complex are key gamers in creating serotonin, a chemical that will get you right into a good mood.

Despite the fact that we might hear negative things regarding red-colored meat, it’s really a smart dinner selection for a stressed-out family. Beef’s high amounts of iron, zinc and B vitamins not just help enable you to get right into a good mood, but make you stay there too. The local butchers will help you choose lean cuts for that best options

Milk does indeed an appearance good. Chock filled with calcium, protein, anti-oxidants, and vitamins B2 and B12, it will help strengthen bones and encourages healthy cell regrowth. Combined with a proper whole-grain cereal choice each morning, low-body fat milk is a terrific way to start your entire day and arm you to ultimately do fight using the triggers that await you. Cottage type cheese can also be an execllent dairy choice, so when combined having a fruit that’s full of ascorbic acid, it will help your body fight toxins running rampant throughout your most stressed periods.

Walnuts will also be an incredible choice if this involves arming yourself against stress. They’re full of magnesium, zinc, in addition to vitamins B2, C, and E and unsaturated fats, all that are great players against toxins, that have been proven to result in cancer and cardiovascular disease.
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